Monday 14 November 2011

Armature Build & Sculpting

The best way I can show you what I've been doing to create this part of my build is through the medium of photographs...

After making my wire armature I had to sculpt hands and feet so that I could make plaster moulds for them. The feet mould was simple enough but the hand mould had to be a two part mould, which means double the pressure if even the slightest thing goes wrong with either half. Here are some of the steps it took to make the moulds, not incredibly interesting but fact filled none the less.

That last one is of my sculpts in their little wood piece boxes covered in plaster if you were wondering. Here are my final plaster moulds, they could be better but they should work well for this minor project.

Annnnnd finally, one of my favourite things to do is work with Plasticine, during the process of working though I can get pretty fed up when it doesn't work how I want it to but then the final product always makes up for it. It could be improved, like most of my work, but this is the head of my old lady character made from Plasticine and cotton wool, oh and some other materials thrown in for certain parts too.

Oh, and in case your wondering "Charlotte, how on earth are you going to get it to talk and fit the lip sync?!", which I just know you are, I've got two words for you: Detachable mouths.

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