Tuesday 23 October 2012

Midsummer Night Dreaming

I started out my new brief last week and since then I've just really been mulling over some ideas and designs. My new project is basically to design two different sets and a character to fit both, and then build them and light them accordingly.
When I first heard the idea my mind started buzzing to all sorts of designs and set ideas but I've settled on one that I really love and now I'm just eager to get started on the build.

For the first set I'm going to have a little boy who's obsessed with books and reading sitting in his bedroom. The other set is going to be a magical forest with the little boy now standing there in shock and awe.
As the little boy loves books I'm going to have him reading A Midsummer Nights Dream in his bedroom and then when he's in the forest it sort of ties the sets together, that and the boy will now be sprouting donkey ears and tail just like the character Bottom from the story.

Here are my initial ideas for the little boy character:

When designing the forest I tried something different, as I could not muster the energy to do a lot of drawing I made a couple of collages. I've thrown in a couple of initial drawings of the forest and bedroom for good measure as well. 

Clearly I've still got a lot to do design wise but I'm definitely liking where this is going.

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