Friday 29 March 2013

Empty Corridors

Just a quick post today as I realise I'm not posting as often as I'd like to. So lets just hope you enjoy it!

As well as my own project I have to do some collaboration work and as part of mine I was asked to build a little set for another person on my course to maybe use in their animation. It had to be a quite bleak looking place, so I designed and built a deserted, sort of creepy looking, corridor. I took inspiration from that all time classic film, The Shining, based on the book by one of my all time favourite writers, Stephen king - but this is besides the point! I wanted floral, out of date designed wallpaper; deep mahogany coloured wood; and just a general 70's inspired decor all round.

I started off by assembling the walls and thought it looked a little straight and plain, so I shaped some card and made some pillars for either side of the corridor. I then went about making the little doors (the door in the picture I made first though so that I would get the sizing right!)

After a long while browsing online for the right wallpaper I chose one I thought looked good, and then applied it to the walls using spray mount. Once I was done I looked and it and thought it just didn't look right so pulled it all off and then went about scouring the web once again! I eventually found this one which I really liked and it already looked a bit grimy too which was ace for the brief. I then added a lovely brown carpet to the mix, which I got off a dolls house website.

When I was happy with the layout I got the walls down and started to "dirty" them up using teabags and black/ grey chalks. After all that was done I fixed the whole thing together before adding extra details. 

And here is the final thing! I've added a skirting board, which I find makes all indoor sets look that much more realistic. I've also added some lights and a painting in frame (a John Constable if any of you art savvy guys were wondering) which all came from the same previously mentioned dolls house furniture store. I've got to say, dolls house furniture is the dogs when it comes to detailing stop motion sets!

Thanks for taking a look! More on my project to come soon.

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