Monday 18 February 2013

Catch of the Day! - update

In my last post I mentioned all about my new project and Francis the Fisherman. I just wanted to update with a few more drawings, just some action and expression sheets and some prop designs though, not too much. 

These are my action and expression sheets, all my characters emotions are displayed through his 'tache and eyes. I think I had a little too much fun with some of the drawings and he seems to look like he's a teenage girl.................... they're probably my favourite pictures as well!

Here I have drawn out and painted the props and all different parts of my set that I need to build as well as the character maquette. I'm really pleased with how everything fits well together and how all the designs and colours look.

Thanks for taking a look!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Catch of the Day!

I'm onto my last ever project on my university course and I've got to say I'm pretty pleased with the brief. It's a doozy! I know I'm a little late in the posting but I wanted to get all the final designs sorted before I put it on my blog.
The brief is the create a character, set, props, etc. for a cereal commercial (or food or drink commercial), design and build it. As I'm only a model maker now I've got to give it the beans when it comes to the build. Anyway, I chose to do a breakfast cereal for fishermen and it's called - wait for it - Catch of the Day! I'm really loving my designs, even though they aren't drawn out that great, and the story line is coming along well. Not to toot my own horn but I think this is going to be my best stuff yet. 

I'll show you some of the designs so far, though there will definitely be more to come sooner or later so watch this space!

This is my Fisherman character, Francis. I'm very excited about knitting his jumper!

This is my breakfast cereal design, there isn't too much detail as it won't be that large when built.

And here is my final set design, it took some time but I finally decided on this as I thought it suited Francis well.

Thanks for taking a look! I'll be posting more pictures and the steps I take to build everything as soon as I can.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Artists to the Rescue!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's my re-imagining of school children's drawings (yes I did just write that). Moving swiftly on. I'm roughly in the middle/ toward the end of my design work for my final ever uni piece of work, pictures soon to come, but in the meantime I was given a little brief to have a go at alongside my major brief, that would count towards my collaboration work. 
The children of St Gwladys primary school in Bargoed were set a drawing competition to design a super hero; the winning designs were going to be transformed into final colour character concepts for animation by the students on my course. Exciting stuff to say the least. We picked two characters at random then had roughly a week to draw them out. Now, I'm not the best when it comes to using computer software, mainly because with my work I have hardly any need for it, so I decided to go down the route of drawing them out by hand and painting them using watercolours (my paint of choice at the moment). 

So here is the first one of the children's superhero drawings:

and this is my version:

Here is the second of the children's drawings:

and this is my version:

They're not the best and compared to some of the designs I've seen from other people doing the project, they don't look as professional (sob sob!). However, with the tiny amount of time I spent on them what with all my other work, and my lack of Photoshop use, I'm pretty pleased with them. 

With more time I'm sure they could look much nicer but to say I didn't have fun whilst doing it wouldn't be true. It was so much fun, so much so that my boyfriend even had a go at drawing them (though I don't think he'd be pleased if I put his drawing up). I highly recommend having a go!