Thursday 25 April 2013

Clothes and Coverings!

In my last post I talked about my fisherman's head, and in this one I'm going to talk through his clothing and also the seagulls final look. I would have got around to posting sooner but I wanted to add some final touches to both puppets before posting any pictures - I still have the odd things to do on them but they're essentially done now and ready for viewing! I won't drone on too much with how I made everything, I'll just let the pictures do the talking!

For my fisherman's jumper and hat I wanted them knitted so that they'd look a bit more realistic (ish) and also absolutely adorable!! My only drawback here was that I'd actually never knitted anything in my life, but what better time to learn than with a major deadline approaching aye?! It's safe to say I wasn't the quickest at knitting, though I sort of got the hang of it quite quickly, it took me way too long to even produce this - which for my first ever attempt I'm pretty pleased with to be honest!

Luckily for me, my lovely mum (and knitting master), stepped in and offered to knit my character's jumper and hat for me (I say offered, I practically begged her!). And doesn't he look adorable?! minus the creepy white face of course.

Next it was time to make his overalls. I managed to find the perfect yellow, PVC material after hours of searching and purchasing the wrong type of fabric to start off with. Though the look of it was great it was really hard to get into the right shapes, as it only really stretched one way. After a little mental breakdown and copious amounts of hot chocolate I managed to get it how I wanted it! Huzzah!

When the overalls were all sewn up and on the body I started adding some details. I was so fortunate to find the perfect material for his braces/ straps. They came off an old necklace (the same one I got his bead eyes off in fact - it always helps to hoard things!) which had the perfect metal parts at the ends that I could then use for the buckles on the straps. I then added a pocket using the same PVC material, and a little later on I added turn-ups to the bottom of his trousers (they're not in this picture though).

To finish off his head I added this fur material I brought from Cardiff Market, it wasn't really the colour I wanted but I think it works nether the less. I cut it into all the shapes I needed and then sprayed them with Starch so that the fur would stay in place a little better. I'm pretty pleased with how he looks!

And before I reveal the final image of him I'll quickly tell you about the seagull - For the seagull I just sewed bits of fabric together to create his feathers. Before doing so though, I made an eye socket using Air Dry Fimo which I just placed where I wanted the eyes to go then pushed the bead eyes into it to make the shape. 

Finally, here we have the final images of the two characters! I haven't posed them yet as I don't really want to move them too much before animating in case the wire gets too worn out. I hope you like them!

Thanks for taking a look! I'll be posting the props and set as soon as I can!

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