Saturday 27 April 2013

Props and Set pt one

Alright! So we've done the puppets and I think it's time to move on to the props and set. I've actually got all the props and set done - finished everything today in fact! There is a lot to talk about and quite a few props and sections of the set to talk through, so I'll only go through a few of them today and maybe do a few more posts over the week before revealing the whole thing.

The Lobster Catcher!
To make the main structure of the box/ cage I cut up lots of lollipop sticks and some bits of balsa wood and just glued them together using superglue. I built it in a way that it looked like a crate and I snapped some of the sticks so that it looked a little bit more authentic (ish).

I then painted over the box using some watered-down brown paint, after trying to stain it with teabags didn't do that much to it. I then glued some net onto the inside (it's a hair net in case you were wondering!), and I made a starfish out of Miliput, that I then painted orange, to stick on top of the crate. 

The Fishing/ Bait Box!
To make the Fisherman's bait box I just cut out lots of pieces of Balsa wood that I then painted and glued together (again with superglue) in a cube shape. I find that if you're going to be painting something and gluing it together with superglue it's best to paint it before you glue it as it's really difficult to paint over the glue - the more you know, aye?!

I then glued on some handles, hinges and a lock that I'd brought off Ebay. They're all dollhouse products and I think they make it look pretty ace, if I do say so myself!

 Fisherman's Stool!
To make his stool I used a combination of lollipop sticks, a balsa wood rod and some tiny nails! I doubled up the lollipop sticks so that they were a little sturdier and then cut everything to size.

I painted all the pieces a nice, dark brown and then glued everything together. I reinforced all the glued up parts with the tiny nails. I then attached a strip of fabric over the frame to make the seat.

The Oars!
To make the oars I roughly cut out the shapes for the two parts of the oars and then sanded around the edges to round them off a little. Once they were all nice and smooth I painted them and glued the parts together.

The Signs!
The hut in the set needs a sign on the top and a sign on the door and I wanted to make them so that they'd look as rustic as possible. I tried to make them look like slabs of wood that had been nailed/ glued together so I used different size lollipop sticks. I then painted them both brown and added a chain off an old bracelet to the smaller sign. Finally, I painted on the writing/ details.

I've got quite a bit more to talk through but I think that this is enough for today! Thanks for taking a look! More on the props and set to come soon.

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