Sunday 2 October 2011

Got to start sometime.

I suppose the best way to start would be by introducing myself. I'm Charlotte and I'm currently in my second year studying BA Animation at the ATRiuM in Cardiff. This blog is a way of getting my work to a wider audience and what I'm hoping is that it will show me how my work and styles are developing which will help me creatively.

I can't count the amount of times I've been told that starting up a blog has helped people get noticed in the animation business or even that people wanted me to start one so they can take a cheeky look at the work I'm doing.

Until now I've never really been bothered with getting my work out onto the internet but I've been told to start one up as part of my course so here it is. Due to my lack of blogging experience and an annoying shyness when it comes to people commenting/criticising my work the following blog may not be the best read but I hope you'll enjoy it on some level.

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