Saturday 8 October 2011

Last minute

So, I’m meant to keep this blog updated with my work as I go along but I haven't really done that so I'm thinking if I just post my work in a significant order you'll get the jist of what I'm doing. I'm currently doing the preproduction work for my minor project. We were given a sound clip and had to create a character based around the voice and what it says. I just so happened to get the most depressing clip of the lot and my initial ideas consisted of an old lady talking to her dead husband...

After some development of the character and talking with my tutors about how I should go about portraying the story/clip I decided to have a little old lady talking, not to her dead husband but to her uncaring cat. My basic back story for her is that she's all alone apart from her cat, who she's absolutely in love/obsessed with but the cat (Harry) takes no interest in her whatsoever.

I'm much happier with this design and the story I've got to go with it. I've got some ideas for how the animation will look and will try to post an animatic of my final idea soon. That way you can hear the clip and see what you think of it too. Hopefully my ideas will work well with the voice, it may end up being rushed but then everything I do is last minute.

Feel free to comment/criticise the work I'm showing, it's nice to get genuine feedback.

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