Saturday 22 October 2011


It's no secret that I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to things like comics and drawing comic strips, so when my brief was to storyboard an already existing advert I thought 'yeah that'll be fun', wrong, oh so wrong I was. It started off great but by the time I got into the 7th hour straight I just wanted to punch every single character in that bloody advert - and that was only the rough draft.

I'll put a link up to the advert I chose, and I hope you'll agree it's a classic, then I'll show you my final advert storyboard because, lets face it, the rough draft is practically the same thing.

While we're talking storyboards I suppose I'll let you know about the second half of the brief. We were each given a page from a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle script and had to storyboard that page how we thought it should look/play out, so to speak. Again, sounded great, as a kid I loved the ninja turtles and I thought that this part of the brief would be a bit like making your own comic book (If any of you were "lucky" enough to have seen my previous comic book, that I made a few years ago, I must say I've progressed significantly since then!). I'm pleased with how my storyboard turned out but if I'd put maybe a bit more effort in and had more time it would have turned out far better in my opinion.

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